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Manual for Oil Press Machine

Release date:12,Aug-2022

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 for Oil Press Machine





Structure and Working Principle








1. Structure


This machine is mainly composed of five parts: the electric control part, the heating and pressing part, the adjusting part, the transmission part and the vacuum filter oil.

1) 电器控制部分由空气开关、交流换触器、温度控制仪、电路自动保护装置组成。

The electric control part is composed of air switch, AC contactor, temperature control instrument, circuit automatic protection device.

2) 加热压榨部分由加热器、榨螺榨条、机体装置等组成。

The heating and pressing part is composed of a heater, a pressing screw, a machine body device, etc..

3) 传动部分由主轴及减速箱、皮带轮、电机轮等组成。

The transmission part is composed of the main shaft and the gear box, the pulley, the motor wheel etc..


The speed adjusting part is composed of an adjusting screw, a regulating nut, a handle and a locking nut etc..


The vacuum filter oil part is composed of the vacuum pump, oil filter tube line and other assembly components.


2. Two, dynamic working principle



The power bolt after reducing is transmitted to the spindle speed. The screw press is mounted to the spindle with rotation. The oil in the threads will continue to move forward, because the space between the press bore and screw gradually reduced, the oil density increase, thus the pressure increases gradually, in the process of squeezing, oil particle, the friction between the oil and the parts, the heat generated, so as to form oil extracting pressure, temperature of two elements, destroy the oil organization cell structure, the oil overflows from the oil line, the cake will be launched from the cake mouth, when the spilled oil flows through the oil filter on the oil cylinder,   the vacuum pump extracts the air inside the barrel and the negative pressure formed in the barrel, the oil is drawn through the filter cloth and pumped outside the barrel, and the oil sludge will be quarantined on the cloth, then obtain the pure oil.


3. Installation

1) 榨油机安装时,四周留出足够的空间,供工作人员操作使用。

The oil press machine shall be installed in the big space, shall have enough space for staff to operate and work.

2) 先将机器置于水平位置,然后把滤油桶调整到水平状态。

Firstly, put the oil press machine on the horizontal place, and then adjust the oil filter to the level of state.

3) 机器安装好后,在离机器3-5m处,打上0.5-1m的接地线方可工作。

After the installation of the oil press machine, make the 0.5-1m ground wire away from the machine 3 - 5m and then can be started to work.




4. Operation and use

1) 使用前,必须先仔细阅读本使用说明书,熟悉本机的性能特点和操作方法。

Before operation, you must first carefully read the manual, familiar with the performance characteristics of the machine and operating methods.

2) 开机前,必须先进行一次全面检查,各紧固件不得松动,手柄转动灵活,用手转动皮带轮,各运转零件应正常,不得有异常响声,随后在减速箱上加注20号机械油。

Before starting the machine, you must firstly maker a comprehensive inspection, not loose fasteners, flexible rotation of the handle, hand rotating pulley, all moving parts should be normal, no abnormal noise, then replenish #20 machine oil to the gearbox.

3) 松开紧锁螺母,逆时针旋转调整螺杆,使榨螺的锥面抵紧出饼口的锥面,然后顺时针旋出调整螺杆2-3mm,再旋紧锁螺母,准备开机。

Loosen the lock nut, counter clockwise rotation adjustment screw, press the surface of screw press against the conical surface of the cake mouth, then clockwise rotation adjustment screw 2-3mm, and then spin the lock nut and be ready to start the machine.

4) 打开电气箱门,把箱内的电源空气开关开启(置于合理的位置),即整机电源接通。

Open the door of the electric box, switch on the power air switch (placed in a reasonable position) in the box , that is, the power of the whole machine is switched on.

5) 调节温控仪器到压榨所需温度150-200度(根据油料而定),扭动总加热开关对机器进行加热升温,这时温控仪上的绿灯亮。红灯熄灭,当机器温度升到设定的温度时,而红灯亮,绿灯灭,机器的温度是自动控制并维持在设定温度。

Adjust the temperature 150-200°C (according to oil material to be set) required by the machine through the temperature control instrument, twisting the total heating switch to the machine heating, then the green light is on and the red light is off; when the machine temperature rises to the set temperature, the red light is on and the green light if off. The temperature of the machine is automatically controlled and maintained at the set temperature.

6) 按动主机正转按钮,主机开始运转。螺旋轴旋转方向应为逆时针旋转。

Press the forward button of the host, the host running. The rotation direction of the spiral shaft should be rotated counter clockwise.

7) 新榨油机安装后用进行2-8小时磨榨,方法是用已榨过的饼料从料斗中缓缓喂放,反复回榨,使榨螺磨光,出饼,成型顺畅,切记开始磨榨不要将料直接倒入料斗内,而以手抓喂入为宜,以防榨螺卡死,如喂料过猛,榨膛内出现异常响声或榨螺卡死,应立即停车,清楚梗塞,重新装配好后再起动磨榨,严禁强行开车或翻转倒料。

The new oil press machine after installation need to run for 2-8 hours for grinding squeeze. The method is that : slowly feed the pressed cake material into the hopper, repeatedly squeeze, in order to the screw press to be polished, the cake to be formed smoothly. Please remember that when begin to grind and squeeze, do not feed the material directly into the hopper, and appropriately feed by hand grasping feeding , to prevent the press screw is stuck, if excessive feeding, squeezing chamber appeared abnormal noise or press screw stuck, should immediately stop and clear the infarction, start the grinding squeeze again after re assembly. It is strictly prohibited to forcibly drove or reverse for discharge.

8) 正常榨油时,必须保持进料均匀,切勿过多或断料空转,此时机器负荷正常,运转平稳,响声有节奏,出饼厚度正常控制在0.5-2mm,出饼顺畅,低压段基本无渣,高压段有少量油渣,但渣在油中的比例不大于10%,榨膛内温度可达到105-200度,出饼口处出青烟应通过护罩抽烟排出,榨出热饼要及时摊开,以免产生自然现象,当连续工作时间较长,机温过高时,应采取电扇吹风等降温措施(连续不间断工作时,加热器可停止工作)

If want to run normally, must maintain uniform feeding, not excessive feeding. When this machine is under the normally loading, it will running with stable operation and sound rhythm and the cake thickness is controlled between 0.5mm to 2mm and smooth out. When at the low pressure section, there is basically no residue; when at the high pressure section, there is a small amount of oil slag, but the proportion is less than 10%. The temperature of the pressing chamber temperature can reach 105-200°C. The smoke from the cake mouth should be discharged through the shield. The squeezed griddle cakes should be spread out promptly, so as not to produce spontaneous combustion phenomenon. When the continuous working time is longer, the machine temperature is too high, should adopt the electric fan blowing and drop the machine temperature (continuous working, the heater can be stopped working).

9) 当压榨出的油流放滤油桶上面时,先检查真空泵电机旋向是否正确,按动真空泵按钮,真空泵开始运转,滤油桶内的空气就被抽出,桶内形成负压,上面的油就自然的流入滤油桶,而油渣就被隔离在滤布上面,待压榨完毕,油被抽完后,停止真空泵运转,开启滤油桶上的放空阀门,滤布上形成干渣,用刮刀刮去(严禁桶内形成负压进行刮)就壳把滤油桶内的纯净、无杂质的油从油桶底部阀门放出。

9) When pressed out of the oil filter on top of the barrel, first check the vacuum pump motor rotation is correct or not, press the vacuum pump button, the vacuum pump starts running, the air in the oil filter barrel is drawn out, form negative pressure in the barrel, the above oil naturally into the filtration barrel, but the oil slag is isolated in the cloth until the press is completed. After the oil is pumped, stop the vacuum pump running, open the emptying valve on the filtration barrel, the dry slag formed on the filter cloth need use a scraper to scrape (not allow to scrape during the barrel is formed the negative pressure). To release the pure, no impurities from the barrel through the valve at the bottom of the oil barrel.

10) 停机。停机前先停止进料,同进调动松出饼口间隙,然后投放少量饼屑,待榨膛内余料排尽,出饼口不再出饼方可停机,停机后将调整螺杆顺时旋出1-3圈,再切断电源。

Before stop the machine, stop feeding, and loose the cake mouth gap, and then put a small amount of cake crumbs. When the remaining material in the pressing chamber is discharged clearly, and the cake mouth is no longer out of the cake, then can be shutdown. After shutdown,  will adjust screw clockwise rotation 1-3 rings, and then cut off the power.


5. Maintenance

1) 每工作50小时后应检查润滑情况,减速箱上面的油杯不得缺油,榨螺轴调整螺杆内轴承应从调整螺杆孔内每班加注黄油一次,严禁干磨。

After every 50 working hours, should check the lubrication condition, the cup above the gearbox  can not be short of oil. The bearing inside the screw rod adjusted by press screw shaft should add the butter in the adjusted screw holes in each shift, with a prohibited dry grinding.

2) 各润滑部位应防止灰尘和其他杂质侵入,每年需检查减速箱的机油质量一次,发现变质,应更换全部机油。

Each lubricating parts should be to prevent dust and other impurities intrusion, every year to check the oil quality of the gearbox once, found the deterioration, should replace all the oil.

3) 当压榨量降低,出饼或出油不正常时,应将榨螺轴抽出,检查榨螺,榨条,出饼圈的磨损情况,磨损零件要及时更换。

When the press capacity is reduced, the cake or out of the oil is not normal, should put our the press screw and check the press screw, press bar, the wearing of the cake ring. The wear parts should be replaced timely.

4) 每班工作结束后,应清除机器内残饼,擦干净机器表面灰尘,油垢。

At the end of each shift, should remove the machine residual cake, clean the dust and grease on the surface of the machine.

5) 生产季节结束后长期存放时,应进行一次保养,并将榨螺、榨条、出饼圈拆洗重新涂油,放在干燥处。

After the production season, if need to be stored for a long-term, should be a maintenance and the press screw ,the press bar, the cake ring should be unpicked and washed and re oiled, and placed in a dry place.


6. General trouble and trouble shooting








Press screw die


Feeding too heavy, especially the insufficient temperature of the machine.


Belt slipping


Mix the stone or iron into the press  chamber


Close the feed plate, open the barper plate along the clockwise rotation adjustment screw rod, reverse the machine to reverse the spindle, the oil material in the squeezing screw discharged from the discharge port, and then close the discharge port until the normal load.


Adjust belt tightness


Put out the press screw, clean the pressing chamber, the material in the press screw, at the same time, the material into the oil press machine must be selected.


No oil or oil yield rate is low


The temperature in the press chamber is too low


The material is too wet or too dry


The material is moldy, damp, the seeds are not satisfied with too many impurities


The cakes are too thick or too thin


The pressed oil line is blocked.


The press bar is installed improperly, if too tight, no oil, if too loose, leaking slag.

7. 饼厚调不到1.5mm以内

The cake thickness is less than 1.5mm.


1 Heating up


2 Adjust the moisture


The deterioration of the oil material may not be feed into the press chamber, even if the press chamber is out of oil,  will be harmful to human health after eating


Adjust the cake thickness


Disassemble the pressing chamber, clean the press bar.


Adjust the tightness of the pressing chamber, to the already serious wear press bar should be completely removed and replaced

7. 更换出饼口和榨螺

Replace the cake mouth and the press screw


return oil inner Bucket

1. 与第二项的5.6.7条相同

The same as 5,6,7 of item 2

2. 油料中灰尘杂质太多

Too many dust and impurities in the oil material

3. 油料含油量过高

The oil content is too high

1. 第二项的5.6.7条解决办法

The same as 5,6,7 of item 2

2. 油料进行精选

The oil material should be selected

3. 油料内参入一定量的饼料

The cake material into a certain amount of oil material


Machine overload


The machine temperature has not been to the normal state, and feed a large number of material


The gearbox lack of oil lubrication


Foreign matter mixed in the material

1. 缓缓喂料至机温正常

Slowly feed the material until the machine reach the normal temperature


Start the machine after adding the machine oil


Stop and check the machine


The rate of oil drop after replacing the new press screw


The cake mouth wear too large and can’t math with new press screw well


Replace the cake mouth


Oil mixed and thick


The raw material is too dirty, too dry, too wet, too old, too bad.


Clean up the raw material, adjust the water


No cake out or low yield


Caused by the phenomenon of return oil


The cake mouth is blocked by the old residue.


If the new machine, it is without grinding; if the old machine, it is  without heating.


The elimination with the phenomenon of return oil to be solved


To clean the residue of the cake mouth  or back the press screw back and forth many times and then reset again

3. 磨榨升温。

Grinding heating.


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