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Characteristics of the pneumatic oil filter, a supporting equipment for the oil press

Release date:21,Nov-2023

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       The biggest characteristics of the pneumatic oil filter are: using positive pressure, convenient slag cleaning, no oil storage in the filter chamber, high work efficiency, and clear filtering oil. Mainly used to filter various crude oils extracted by spiral oil presses, as well as other oil materials containing solid impurities.微信图片_20231121152519.jpg This machine mainly consists of components such as crude oil barrel, air compressor, slot card, etc. Its working principle is that the air compressor presses gas into the crude oil barrel through the air storage tank, and the crude oil flows out through the filter cloth. When filtering, solid particles in the crude oil encounter the filter cloth, and the particles are blocked on the surface of the filter cloth to form filter residue. It itself is also a filtering layer. The working capacity of the oil filter increases with the increase of pressure, but also decreases with the increase of filter residue thickness. Therefore, when the filter residue thickness reaches a certain level, the machine must be stopped to remove the filter residue.

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